Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Profile: Antonio Muñoz Molina Category: Literature and Humanities Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in NY.
Quote: "New York had seduced me always, for very different reasons, even sentimental. [...] The most significant change was from visitor to resident, from occasional to full time teacher. There were difficulties, but also much learning."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Jorge Otero-Pailos Category: Architecture and Visual arts Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in NY.
Quote: "In New York, the definition of a monument is still a question, while in much of the rest of the world it is taken for granted, and this the basis of my research, to understand what is worth preserving in our contemporary moment."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Rafael Lamas Category: Music. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in NY.
Quote: "Like all New Yorkers, I have a love/hate relationship with the city. The best things are also the worst, what scares me and takes me away is what attracts me. What is it? Well, I don't really know... perhaps the mixture of vivacity and decadence."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Eva Franch i Gilabert Category: Architecture, Fashion and Design. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "New York allows one to navigate from the highest to the lowest, from left to right, in the same suit, with the same thoughts and same ideas. In New York you know that the doors can open up at any moment, and that's what makes it so intense. Everything can happen anywhere anytime."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Puy Navarro Category: Performing Arts. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "learning to live together and learning from different cultures makes me improve as a human being and it helps me deal with my profession. "
To read the interview go to:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Profile: Isidro Blasco. Category: Visual Arts. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "New York is a city that welcomes, open to everyone, and if you have something interesting to offer you'll be able to make it. Some negative experience can also occur, and then you may have to leave, but at first it is a city where you learn a lot and grow".
To read the interview go to:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spanish Creators in New York (Creadores Españoles en Nueva York)

ANTONI MUNTADAS Interview detail.

Spanish Creators in New York (Creadores Españoles en Nueva York)

Spain Culture New York Coordination:

Águeda Sanfiz
Interviews by:

Eva Mendoza Chandas

Spanish Creators in New York is a new section within the website of the Consulate General of Spain in New York, which consists on a series of interviews with creative professionals living in New York. These artists belong to a range of disciplines including: theater, literature, visual arts, music, dance, architecture, design and gastronomy.

Some of the earliest published interviews correspond to the visual artists Antoni Muntadas, Elena del Rivero and Juan Uslé, the architect Ana Maria Torres, the musicians Cristina Pato and Ricardo Llorca, the filmmaker Martin Rosete, the chef Marc Vidal and the writer Eduardo Lago, among others.

The purpose of these dialogues with creators is to highlight their professional profiles through their experiences, their work and projects and to show through the website the activity of Spanish culture performed in the United States.

This section of interviews with creators supplements the work already being done by the Consulate General of Spain in New York, thereby strengthening its support for promoting Spanish culture and the arts and culture. Interviews are a living example of bilateral cultural relations between both countries. Through the experiences of the interviewed, this interaction shows the involvement of Spanish artists in American cultural life and their contribution to the multiculturalism of the city of New York .

Links to the interviews:

Interviews by Eva Mendoza Chandas.

Independent curator and cultural manager.

Master in Arts in Business Administration from Columbia University under the auspices of a Fulbright scholarship and the Ministry of Culture of Spain. Her graduation thesis deals with the situation of Spanish artists living in New York and their relationship with the city's cultural institutions.

She previously obtained a Master in Cultural Management from the Instituto Ortega y Gasset in Madrid and a Master in Arts and New Technologies from the European University of Madrid. Mendoza is a graduate in Journalism and Humanities and has been specializing in contemporary art, having undertaken the doctorate courses in Fine Arts and categories of Modernity at the Complutense University of Madrid.

In 2011, she curated and organized Region 0. The Latino Festival of Video Art New York, at the King Juan Carlos I of New York University (NYU). She is also the executive director of the project Round Trip NY and contributor to the online publication XTRART, a portal specialized in cultural promotion aaportal specialized in cultural promotion and reflection.
Spanish Creators in New York (Creadores Españoles en Nueva York)

Coordinación Spain Culture New York:
Águeda Sanfiz
Comisariado y realización de las entrevistas:
Eva Mendoza Chandas

Spanish Creators in New York (Creadores Españoles en Nueva York) consiste en una nueva sección dentro de la página web del Consulado General de España en Nueva York, en la que se presentan una serie de entrevistas con profesionales de la creación residentes en Nueva York. Estos creadores pertenecen a una variedad de disciplinas que incluyen: cine, literatura, artes visuales, música, teatro, danza, arquitectura, diseño y gastronomía
Algunas de las primeras entrevistas publicadas corresponden a los artistas visuales Antoni Muntadas, Elena del Rivero y Juan Uslé, la arquitecta Ana María Torres, los músicos Ricardo Llorca y Cristina Pato, el cineasta Martín Rosete, el chef Marc Vidal y el escritor Eduardo Lago, entre otros.
La finalidad de estos diálogos con los creadores es destacar sus perfiles profesionales a través de sus experiencias, sus trabajos y sus proyectos y subrayar la labor que profesionales de la cultura española llevan a cabo en Estados Unidos a través de la difusión web.
Esta sección de entrevistas a creadores suplementa el trabajo que ya viene realizando el Consulado General de España en Nueva York, reforzando así su apoyo a la cultura española y la promoción de las artes y la cultura. Las entrevistas son un vivo ejemplo de las relaciones culturales bilaterales entre ambos países, ya que a través de las experiencias de los protagonistas se hace patente la participación de creadores españoles en la vida cultural norteamericana y su aportación a la multiculturalidad de la ciudad de Nueva York.
Enlaces a las entrevistas:
Entrevistas realizadas por Eva Mendoza Chandas.
Comisaria independiente y gestora cultural.
Master en Administración de Arte por la Universidad de Columbia con el patrocinio de una beca Fulbright y del Ministerio de Cultura de España. Su tesis de graduación versa sobre la situación de los artistas españoles que residen en Nueva York y su relación con las instituciones culturales de la ciudad.
Previamente obtuvo un Master en Gestión Cultural por el Instituto Ortega y Gasset de Madrid, y un Master en Arte y Nuevas Tecnologías en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Mendoza es licenciada en Periodismo y Humanidades y se ha venido especializando en arte contemporáneo, para lo que realizó los cursos de Doctorado en Bellas Artes y Categorías de la Modernidad en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
En 2011 comisarió y organizó Region 0. The Latino Video Art Festival of New York, en el Centro Rey Juan Carlos I de la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU). Además, es la directora ejecutiva del proyecto de entrevistas Round Trip NY y colaboradora de la publicación online XTRART, portal especializado en la difusión y la reflexión cultural.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Profile: Elena del Rivero Category: Visual Arts. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "The city allows the 'invention' and this, along with the freedom you feel when you are abroad, is so liberating for an artist. New York also allows for solitude, and it is possible to work undisturbed in the studio. I am a traditional studio artist."
To read the interview go to:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Profile: Antoni Muntadas. Category: Visual Arts. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "The situation of generosity and sharing information that I lived on my arrival is now virtually gone. People have become much more individualistic and each attends to his own business"
To read the interview go to:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Profile: Eduardo Lago. Category: Literature. Spain Culture New York

Profile: Eduardo Lago. Category: Literature. Spain Culture New York
Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "there are two parallel cities: the city of tourists, and the city of the residents. The city of the tourists never intermingles with the city of the residents. The tourists ride around in a double-decker bus, through a select segment of the city, they buy what they must buy, they go to the MoMA and Abercrombie and Fitch and the NBA store to buy their own jersey, and go home happy. They do not crisscross with the daily life of the city, which is absolutely different."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Juan Uslé. Category: Visual Arts. Spain Culture New York

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "I love Spain more from the United States, it weighs less, and from this vantage point you appreciate it better. In New York I feel freer and more like me, more naked and that gives me more strength and greater liberty of movement, and above all, of thoughts. I love disappearing in the midst of my studio and feeling the complicity of everyone's silence. In Spain something like that would be a luxury."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Ana María Torres. Category: Architecture. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "The best is being able to live anonymously with the individual liberty this condition brings. This is also a very competitive city where you must remain knowledgeable and engaged in order to stay relevant in your profession."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Marc Vidal Category: Gastronomy. Spain Culture New York

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "I love the city, I love walking in Brooklyn and wandering beyond Williamsburg to find new restaurants that are a bit hidden and serve menus with great personality."
To read the interview go to:[tt_news]=11&cHash=cb15d36d482710661bc0392c5ff7305c

Profile: Cristina Pato Category: Music. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "My idea was to finish the doctorate program and return to Galicia, but I finished in 2008 and I am still here. This city has something that either captures or alienates you... I've been captured."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Martin Rosete. Category: Film. Spain Culture New York

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "I am not going to say Madrid is like a village, because it isn't, but when it comes to developing my career as a filmmaker it is both in New York and in Los Angeles where I am going to find the possibilities to do the type of film I want to do."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Ricardo Llorca. Category: Music. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "New York is an open center, from which currents from all over the world flow into; especially musically. It is so open that it has no prejudices against anything, accepts everything and does not place obstacles. All styles are welcome, without ever sacrificing the high standards of quality."
To read the interview go to:

Profile: Ángel Gil Orrios. Category: Performing Arts. Spain Culture NY

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "I am the only director in the world crazy enough to consider Picasso seriously as a writer. Through a period of 20 years I have done the world premiere of his three plays as Flamenco musicals."
To read the interview go to:[tt_news]=3&cHash=d4503bfa868ba00ef73cec6b8b4288c8

Profile: Lolo: Category: Gastronomy and Wine. Spain Culture New York

Interview by Eva Mendoza for Spain Culture New York. Consulate General of Spain in New York.
Quote: "I was lucky enough that people liked my paellas and gave me an incredibly good review in the New York Times."
To read the interview go to:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Proyector 2011. Festival Internacional de Videoarte en Madrid. 

 X 13 JUL 2011
20.30h  ESPACIO MENOSUNO: Visual Container  +  The New York Reel + Otros

This Leak. 2011. Félix Fernández y Juanma Carrillo

Festival Internacional de Videoarte en Madrid. 

Proyector 2011 – 4º Festival Internacional de Videoarte (11-17 de julio, Madrid) 
Comisario: Mario Gutiérrez Cru 

Ésta es una muestra de vídeo albergada por varias salas en la ciudad de Madrid, en donde podrán verse proyecciones y exposiciones de diversos videoartistas actuales de dentro y fuera de España. De forma paralela se desarrollarán otro tipo de actividades y eventos, tales como talleres, seminarios y encuentros, que abrirán espacios de reflexión y debate acerca del vídeo como medio artístico.


(…). Un acontecimiento que lo es también en el sentido de que se refiere precisamente al comenzar a darse de la imagen, de la representación, como un acontecer, como un transcurrir, como el diferirse mismo de la diferencia, no como algo definitiva y estáticamente dado, siempre idéntico a sí mismo. Jose Luis Brea.

“Transformaciones contemporáneas de la imagen-movimiento: postfotografía, postcinema, postmedia.”

La joven lozanía del vídeo contemporáneo puede ponerse en cuestión si se bucea en el nacimiento del cine. Es ahí, a principios del siglo XX, donde se encuentran experiencias (como las de Viking Eggeling, Walter Ruttmann, Dziga Vertov,…), que asientan bases para el aspecto más experimental del medio, escapando de la linealidad narrativa y centrándose en el atractivo, ya no tanto de las posibilidades de una mimetización con el suceso real, si no de esa nueva dimensión del movimiento en la que se pueden instrumentar y coordinar los elementos sonoros y visuales en la pantalla-plano.
The New York Reel
Comisariado y selección de artistas: Eva Mendoza Chandas
Relación de artistas:
Manuel Molina Martagón, Nicky Enright, Juanma Carrillo, Félix Fernández, Antón Cabaleiro, Raul Gómez Valverde

Relación de videos:

This Leak
Juanma Carrillo y Félix Fernández

American Sculpture
Manuel Molina Martagón

If I Come Back to this Life I Want to be an American Dentist
Manuel Molina Martagón

Rights of Passage
Nicky Enright

Inter National Anthem
Nicky Enright

Will it blend?
Raul Gómez Valverde

Raul Gómez Valverde

The Empire State Essay #1
Antón Cabaleiro

The Empire State Essay #2
Antón Cabaleiro

The Empire State Essay #3
Antón Cabaleiro

The Empire State Essay #4
Antón Cabaleiro

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Region 0 at Big Screen Project. New York

Region 0. The Latino Video Art Festival of New York at Big Screen Project 
Big Screen Project 6th Ave. @ 29th St off of 6th Avenue, NYC

Saturday June 25th
6:10 p.m. Video Art Program

Window to Spain in Manhattan Program

Selection from Region O Festival

A selection of Spanish video artists participants in Region 0:
The Latino Video Art Festival of New York, which took place on March 2011 at NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, curated by Eva Mendoza Chandas and organized by Laura Turégano and Eva Mendoza.

Works screened for Window to Spain are:
El Arbolador Fiel, Mario Sarramián, 2007, 1 min.

El Camino Más Largo / Del Escritorio al Sofá / Del Sofá a la Papelera / De Lado a Lado, Alejandro Ramírez Ariza, 2011, 6 min.
Facebook, Andi Rivas, 2010, 1 min.

Susurros, Iván Cortázar, 2009, 2 min.

Nueve Segundos de Negro, Alex Reynolds, 2009, 1 min.

Next, Brais García, 2009, 1 min.

Will it blend?, Raúl Gómez Valverde, 2010, 5 min.

Identity, Mireia Feliu Fabra, 2005, 3 min.

Contrato para Paisaje nº2, Vicente Blanco, 2010, 3 min.

Type Series VOL I, Lucas Borrás, 2009, 1 min.

CRASH!, Suso33, 2009, 1 min.

La Casita de Elena, Mar Caldas, 2011, 5 min.

Transforming, Caroline Conejero, 2009, 1 min.

A palos, Verónica Ruth Frías, 2009, 4 min.

HomeThoughts, Laura F. Gibellini, 2009, 4 min.
Oleaje constructivo, José Vicente Navarro López, 2010, 5 min.

Road Movie, Andi Rivas, 2008, 4 min.

Ich Allein Auf Fremde Wegen, Félix Fernández, 2011, 6 min.

4:00-6:30pm – Reception Bar Basque: " A complimentary glass of wine and light Pintxos"

Big Screen Project 6th Ave. @ 29th St off of 6th Avenue, NYC.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Round Trip NY #13,#14,#15,#16

Round Trip NY.Eva Mendoza.
Round Trip

Round Trip NY #13. Raúl Gómez Valverde
Round Trip NY #14. Hugo Fontela 
Round Trip NY #15. Félix Fernández
Round Trip NY #16. José Carlos Casado
Para participar en el proyecto o más información: 
Creación y dirección ejecutiva: Eva Mendoza Chandas
logo round trip
Round Trip NY es un blog que trata el arte español en Nueva York a través de entrevistas a creadores, comisarios de exposiciones, gestores, críticos y otros profesionales dedicados a las artes visuales, cuyo trabajo se encuentra relacionado de alguna manera con esta ciudad.
Bien entrados ya en pleno siglo veintiuno, y habiendo sustituido casi por completo la pretérita tecnología analógica por su sucesora digital en esta nueva era basada en códigos binarios y píxeles, nos encontramos con un fenómeno, el de la emigración, que sigue estando vigente en nuestros días a pesar de las transformaciones socioculturales de los últimos tiempos. ¿Por qué los artistas y demás profesionales siguen escogiendo Nueva York como uno de los principales destinos? Frente a las razones para emigrar en el pasado, mucho más obvias (políticas, económicas...) hoy en día los motivos de estos flujos migratorios se nos presentan más difusos e imprecisos.
¿Qué lugar ocupa la cultura española en Nueva York hoy? ¿Hacia dónde se dirige? ¿Cómo está afectando esta situación a los ámbitos de la creación y de la gestión en el presente y qué consecuencias podría acarrear?
Este proyecto online recoge opiniones de profesionales sobre estas cuestiones y abrirá paso a otras, centrando su atención en la situación vigente y en la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles.
Las nuevas entrevistas recogen las opiniones de los artistas visuales Raúl Gómez Valverde, Hugo Fontela, Félix Fernández y José Carlos Casado.
Raúl Gómez Valverde, que se encuentra en Nueva York con una beca Fulbright, opina que las ayudas de movilidad para artistas son muy importantes y que por desgracia no existen demasiadas ayudas para artistas que quieran desplazarse a Estados Unidos,  "Fulbright me está permitiendo vivir una experiencia única donde puedo centrarme exclusivamente en el contexto donde desarrollaré mi trabajo durante el resto de mi vida".
Hugo Fontela encuentra muchas ventajas a la hora de llevar a cabo su trabajo en la Gran Manzana, entre ellas destaca el ambiente artístico, que califica "de primera calidad¨ así como el "ritmo frenético" de la ciudad y "la capacidad de trabajo" en ella, según su opinión, ambos mucho mayores que en España.
Félix Fernández  llevó a cabo una residencia temporal en Nueva York durante el otoño de 2010, gracias a una beca Unión Fenosa para artistas. "estoy extremadamente satisfecho con la oportunidad que me han brindado. No ha sido una cosa fácil de conseguir ya que llevo muchos años presentándome, pero puedo decir que ha llegado en el momento en el que más la deseaba".
José Carlos Casado llegó a Nueva York en 1998, "porque vivir en NY siempre fue mi sueño". Una beca de La Caixa para estudiar un Master en la School of Visual Arts fue la manera en la que dio el paso.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Round Trip NY #9,#10,#11,#12

Round Trip NY. Eva Mendoza

Round Trip
Round Trip NY #9. Paco Cano 
Round Trip NY #10. Laura Turégano 
Round Trip NY #11. Gema Alava 
Round Trip NY #12. Jodie Dinapoli
For more information:
Founder and Executive Director: Eva Mendoza Chandas
round trip NY

Round Trip NY is a blog about Spanish art in New York that contains interviews with artists, curators, art managers, critics and other professionals devoted to the arts, whose work is in some manner related to New York City.

We are quite well settled in the twenty-first century. We have substituted almost entirely the former analog technology with its digital successor in this new era based on binary codes and pixels. We find a phenomenon, however, that continues to be present nowadays, in spite of the socio-cultural transformations that have taken place in the last years.  This phenomenon is foreign-artist emigration.
Why are artists and other art professionals still choosing NY as one of their main destinations? In contrast with reasons for emigrating in the past- political, economic, etc. - nowadays, the causes of this migratory movement are much more diffuse and imprecise.
What is the role of Spanish culture in NY nowadays? Where is it going? How is this situation affecting the creation and administration fields in the present, and what repercussions will it have in the future?
The new interviewees are the visual artist Gema Alava, the curators Jodie Dinapoli, Paco Cano and the cultural manager and Associated Director of The King Juan Carlos I Center at New York University, Laura Turégano.
Gema Alava considers that if Spanish institutions want to truly support Spanish artists, they must begin to contact them, communicate with them or even pay them a visit at their studios. 
Follow this link to read the interview:
Jodie Dinapoli is currently working for No Longer Empty (NLE), where she is part of a team of curators and directs the scheduling for events that accompany exhibitions.Follow this link to read the interview:
Paco Cano curated the exhibition N.Y. Motion 1.0 where he blended some ideas: "Motion -so as to study mobility within the world of art; Promotion -since the main aim was to promote a group of Spanish artists from a given generation; and Emotion -because the work of each artist was examined in light of its contact with American culture and art". 
Follow this link to read the interview:
Laura Turégano finds that one of the major challenges in the promotion and cultural exchange resides in the difficulty to gain visibility in the massiveness of New York City, "the amount of time and effort necessary for a project to be visible in this town is massive." 
Follow this link to read the interview:

Round Trip NY #4,#5,#6,#7,#8

Round Trip NY. Eva Mendoza

Round Trip NY

Round Trip NY #4. Esther Achaerandio 
Round Trip NY #5. Verónica Peña
Round Trip NY #6. Juanli Carrión
Round Trip NY #7. Ana Morales Partida 
Round Trip NY #8. Abigail Lazkoz
For more information: 
Founder and Executive Director: Eva Mendoza Chandas

round trip ny

Round Trip NY is a blog about Spanish art in New York that contains interviews with artists, curators, art managers, critics and other professionals devoted to the arts and culture, whose work is in some manner related to NY City.
We are quite well settled in the twenty-first century. We have substituted almost entirely the former analog technology with its digital successor in this new era based on binary codes and pixels. We find a phenomenon, however, that continues to be present nowadays, in spite of the socio-cultural transformations that have taken place in the last years.  This phenomenon is foreign-artist emigration.
Why are artists and other art professionals still choosing NY as one of their main destinations? In contrast with reasons for emigrating in the past- political, economic, etc. - nowadays, the causes of this migratory movement are much more diffuse and imprecise.
What is the role of Spanish culture in NY nowadays? Where is it going? How is this situation affecting the creation and administration fields in the present, and what repercussions will it have in the future?
The new interviewed are the visual artists, Esther Achaerandio, Verónica Peña, Juanli Carrión, Abigail Lazkoz and and the curator and cultural manager Ana Morales Partida. 
In Esther Achaerandio's opinion, there's a deep rift between the incentives which promote Spanish artists' mobility and the actual need for them: "They are few and yet the demand is high. The agreements with American institutions are limited. That's why Spanish artists, and above all the youngest of them, have little impact in NYC." 
Follow this link to read the interview:
Verónica Peña appreciates the benefits of promoting her work in one of the artistic capitals of the world and the direct facing with curators and gallerists. In her own words, "the system is a bit more approachable than it is in Spain" 
Follow this link to read the interview:
Juanli Carrión is in professional contact with Spanish institutions settled in New York, whose work he finds "sporadic and questionable" 
Follow this link to read the interview:
Ana Morales Partida thinks that "NY has a lot to offer to any person related to cultural or artistic fields. In this city it is possible to stay in permanent touch with all kinds of people from everywhere, to be aware of the non-stop bombardment of new things happening, and to learn to work in a businesslike way, which is very important if you really want culture to be a wealth generating industry".
Follow this link to read the interview:
Abigail Lazkoz  has noticed that the Spanish Institutions in NY "The policies tend to be erratic, depending on the varied profiles of those in charge of those labors. They seem to be subject to chance and to opportunism rather than to a clearly defined program of action." 
Follow this link to read the interview:

Round Trip NY #1,#2,#3

Round Trip NY. Eva Mendoza

Round Trip

Round Trip NY #1. Laura F. Gibellini
Round Trip NY #2. Txuspo Poyo
Round Trip NY #3. Pedro Barbeito
For more information:

Founder and Executive Director: Eva Mendoza Chandas

round tryp ny
Round Trip NY is a blog about Spanish art in New York that contains interviews with artists, curators, art managers, critics and other professionals devoted to the arts and culture, whose work is in some manner related to NY City.
We are quite well settled in the twenty-first century. We have substituted almost entirely the former analog technology with its digital successor in this new era based on binary codes and pixels. We find a phenomenon, however, that continues to be present nowadays, in spite of the socio-cultural transformations that have taken place in the last years.  This phenomenon is foreign-artist emigration.
Why are artists and other art professionals still choosing NY as one of their main destinations? In contrast with reasons for emigrating in the past- political, economic, etc. - nowadays, the causes of this migratory movement are much more diffuse and imprecise.
What is the role of Spanish culture in NY nowadays? Where is it going? How is this situation affecting the creation and administration fields in the present, and what repercussions will it have in the future?
This online project gathers the opinions of professionals regarding these questions and opens up other questions, focusing  attention on the actual circumstances with the purpose of looking for sustainable solutions.
The first interviewed are the visual artists, Laura F. Gibellini, Txuspo Poyo and Pedro Barbeito.
Laura F. Gibellini (1978) thinks that there is some effort for the promotion of Spanish artists, "I feel uncomfortable thinking that the recognition of an artist depends on his origin. I don't quite like the idea of a Spanish artist being Spanish prior to being an artist. I believe that the institutions in Spain are starting to consider the importance of generating institutional links that favor mobility for the artists, something that is very necessary and still very limited. This is what I miss."Follow this link to read the interview:
Txuspo Poyo (1963) thinks that there are enough tools and potential in order to develop a cultural program in New York. Some keys to achieve this would be " count with a professional team that believes in the project instead of counting on functionaries. If we have in consideration the mobility of artists, curators, critics and musicians...who are in the city, we would be able to maintain a small space, a place without ostentations, but dynamic that involves a big part of these art professionals, an open space with a multicultural tissue. It may sounds utopic but the small peripheral art centers have demonstrated that it is possible. We shouldn't forget the media. We should involve them. New York counts with a lot of correspondents, both for written and for TV."Follow this link to read the interview:
Pedro Barbeito (1969) regarding the pros and cons of being an artist on the East Coast, Barbeito affirms that "The disadvantage is that living and working in NY is expensive. The advantage is having an art community close, being able of seeing art whenever you want and getting to meet art dealers and curators, and establishing relations with them. I think nowadays there are more opportunities to exhibit in NY galleries than in other places. NY continues to be the center of the art world. Both the quantity and the variety of international audiences that can see the work of an artist are multiplied in NY."Follow this link to read the interview: